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Window Replacement Considerations for Older Homes

historic home in phoenix, Arizona

Are you the proud owner of a historic home? You probably love all the unique features and design elements you could never find in a modern home. Of course, living in an older house means some things could be worn out, including your windows.

Glazing and window frame technology has improved by leaps and bounds in recent decades. So even if your old windows are in relatively good shape, they probably contribute to uncomfortable drafts and high energy bills. Here are some factors to consider when replacing the windows in your older home.

Why You Should Replace Your Old Windows

Your home has lasted this long without getting new windows, so why should you replace them now? Consider the many ways you can benefit from replacing your old windows:

  • Enhance security and safety with advanced locking mechanisms and impact-resistant glass
  • Reduce drafts to eliminate hot and cold spots and improve home comfort
  • Increase energy efficiency and lower your utility bills
  • Insulate against noises outside for a more peaceful interior
  • Restore functionality to broken or painted-shut windows
  • Boost home value in case you decide to move someday

How To Choose New Windows That Preserve the Style of Your Older Home

Because older homes have unique architectural elements, your windows probably don’t match today’s standard sizes. This means if you order pre-made versions, you’ll probably have to widen or reduce the windows openings to make them fit. This could affect your home’s historical appeal and add an unnecessary construction expense.

Fortunately, you can avoid these problems with custom windows for older homes. These come in any size, operating style, and material you want to fit your needs exactly. Keep in mind that most older homes have wood windows, so replacing the old wood windows with the same material, rather than more modern alternatives such as fiberglass and vinyl, will be the best solution.

When To Repair or Retrofit Your Old Windows

Older homes often have windows built with high-quality wood frames. This may be why yours have lasted this long. As a result, it might be possible to repair or retrofit your windows instead of replacing them. Here are your options:

  • Repair damaged locking mechanisms and moving parts.
  • Fix sections of rotten wood window frames using epoxy.
  • Install new glass in the existing window frame.
  • Install storm windows as an extra barrier between the interior and exterior.

Should You DIY Your Window Installation?

Once you decide to replace your windows, you have two options — order the windows direct from the manufacturer and install them yourself, or hire a window installation company to install them for you. Don’t make this decision lightly. Poor window installation can negate some of your investment’s performance and aesthetic benefits.

In general, you should only attempt a DIY window installation if you have advanced carpentry skills and access to the proper tools for the job. You also need a second knowledgeable person to help you, and the job is most feasible if your windows are all on ground level. If any of these factors don’t apply to your situation, you may prefer the peace of mind that comes with professional window installation.

Maintain Your Older Home’s Appeal With Replacement Windows in Tucson, AZ

As you can see, you have many choices for revitalizing the windows in your older home. If you decide to replace your windows, Open Enclose can help you preserve your home’s historic appeal and accuracy. We partner with numerous trusted window brands to make sure you find the exact product you’re looking for in your price range.

To learn more about your window replacement options for older homes, please contact Open Enclose in Tucson by calling us at (520) 485-4546.

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